Friday, 28 September 2012

Seminar/Workshop September 2012

Thirty-four members from Ikenobo Chapter Nederland, joined by 4 members of the Belgian Ikenobo Study Group and two members from Austria and Switzerland, were present at this 4-day event to celebrate Ikenobo’s 550 years anniversary.
    The large atrium at a hotel near Delft was its venue and professor Yasuhito Sasaki from Ikenobo       HQ our teacher and source of inspiration.
After a get-together on Friday 21st with a Bento box meal and Japanese tea, we enjoyed a demonstration by professor Sasaki, during which he showed several arrangements with tremendous energy and artistry and a perfect feeling for balance.

On Saturday, Sunday and Monday 22-24 September we set to work after a few lectures and explanations. A great atmosphere of togetherness was felt and I am sure that our results were partly influenced by a collective sense of concentration and creativity. Professor Sasaki put a lot of effort in correcting each of our different arrangements with clarity and simplicity, humour and an easy approach and communication.  In the end everyone felt satisfied: we learned a great deal, we were truly inspired and we had the impression that our time was very well spent, indeed.
Arigato gozaimasu, Sasaki-san sensei!

Professor Sasaki demonstrating a Rikka shofutai with Nandina.

The audience watched in awe during the birth of a Shoka Shofutai Futakabu-ike.

Professor Sasaki emphasizing movement in a tall vase Jiyuka.

There is a lot to learn from the corrections......

My Shoka Shimputai with a branch of berries, Persicaria filiformis and a pelargonium flower.

My Shoka Shofutai Sanshu-ike corrected by professor Sasaki

The Rikka shimputai definitely looked better after the professor straightened the Shu and Yo parts to emphasize the long  flowing line of an Iris leaf.

The Rikka shofutai  arranged on the last day.